Friday 16 December 2016

[STORY] The Adventure Of Benjin Chapter 2 [COMEDY]

Chapter 2: Busted!!!

Today is Monday the day I hate the most. But i got no choice I gat to go to school. It ain't gonna be cool because going alone my mum and dad won't take me.

My dad said I should go myself that he doesn't have time. well I can't force him. Sometimes i do wonder why he brought me to this earth when he know he won't have time for me.

Let's forget his matter let's face mine *winks*.
Ohhh men!! I can't believe am walking all the way to school only me on this quite road.

Walking to school hopelessly I met this little boy crying. Then I stopped to talk to him I asked: "hey little why are you crying like that" then he open his hand and showed me a ten naira note and he said: you can see this money right?? I said yes.

Then he started crying again and said: my mum gave me this money to buy her a sachet of pure water but I have forgotten the name of the brand.

I adjusted to the back a little and said: that's just easy just sit here I think some pure water trucks do pass here so wait till they pass and be checking the name till you remember and when you remember just run and go and get it for your mum.

The boy nodded and said OK. Then I waved goodbye and continued walking at least I av saved the boy's ass from getting dealt with by his mum.

Back on my track to school and am kinda happy because of the boys life I saved. Finally I reached the gate of the school and I was one hour late. Student are already matching into classes and those naughty prefects are catching late comers.

What do I do??? Well I gat no choice but to enter. Immediately i entered I was stopped by one of them then he asked why I was late I didn't reply him.

I just stood and look at him like a statue. The he said I should drop my bag and start uprooting grass. He then asked for my name so that if I run away he will get me back.

As a sharp boy I said my name is Sunday Friday then he wrote it down and faced the other yo attend to them that was the chance for me to escape so I didn't waste the opportunity.

Getting to the class Iesson was going on and we had English. Mehn I don't really like the teacher he just not my type. So I entered and sat down.

As my butt was placed on my seat the prefect i met at the gate that wrote my name entered and he happens to have a seat next to me.

Am busted right??

To Be Continued…

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