Sunday 20 November 2016

STORY: I Fell In Love With My Kidnapper! Chapter 2 [Korean]

Chapter 2: He's Atrocious...Unlike His Face

Terrified that he's going to kill

her, she takes one last breath of air, assuming that he's going to pull the trigger and shoot her.
To her surprise, he pulls the gun away from her face.
"I was just practicing my aim." He simply says, causing Kimmy to sigh in relief.
"Since this last one failed, I'm going to rob another store so don't move or go anywhere." He says before pausing for a moment. "Oh wait that's right, you can't." He chuckles, putting on his black gloves before leaving the house to rob another store.
"Is he...really gone?" Kimmy thought to herself as she looks over at the door after clearly seeing him leave. "Okay, now to figure out a way to get me outta here." She attempts to squirm all over the place, but achieves nothing. She starts squirming some more, but only ends up falling over while still tied to the chair.
"Ouch!" She groans in frustration. "This sucks. Now what am I gonna do?!" She then attempts to pull her body upwards to pull her and the chair back up before realizing that this isn't even possible. "Wait, what am I doing?..It's not possible to do this."
After 30 minutes, she still remains in the same spot even after squirming multiple times. It's completely hopeless. But that isn't the only thing bothering her...her body is starting to ache from being in a weird position as she's trapped in the chair as it's leaning sideways on the floor from when it fell over.
Just then, the kidnapper enters the house and suddenly looks at her weirdly. He sees she had fallen over along with the chair causing him to furrow his eyebrows while slightly squinting his eyes.
"Ah, trying to escape, I see. Don't waste your energy." He walks over to her and pulls the chair back up. Finally this kidnapper does something right. Now her back doesn't need to ache any longer from being in that awkward position.
He pulls out a pile of money from his pockets and smiles in satisfaction before placing it in a suitcase and hiding it away somewhere.
"That must be the money he just stole...How sickening." Kimmy thought to herself, examining his actions.
Kimmy's eyes fill with fear as she looks up at him. This is horrible. How long is he going to keep her here? And what exactly is he going to do with her?
Standing about 10 feet away from her across the room, he pulls down his handkerchief, revealing his face. He then pulls down the hood of his hoodie from his head and flips his straight, shiny black hair.
Seeing only the profile of his face, she finally sees the face of what her horrific kidnapper looks like. Being a robber then a kidnapper, he's terrifying, shameful, selfish, monstrous, he's....kinda cute, actually. His personality is definitely not cute, but his face is. Well, at least from the side of his face he looks cute as that was all she could see from the angle he's standing at.
Her eyes widen as she looks at him. "Oh, wow. His actually not so terrifying." She thought to herself as she examines the profile of his face.
He turns his head to look at her before walking closer...and closer. She's feeling so scared right now.
He suddenly rips the duct tape from her mouth. "I'm taking this off, but if you scream I won't think twice about slitting your throat." He threatens.
Looking into his dark mysterious eyes, she feels scared. But strangely, she doesn't really feel terribly frightened as she did earlier. Is it because of his face?
Seeing his face for the first time, the rest of her fear seems to have disappeared as his face is sorta a distraction from his horrendous personality.
"How can someone have such a cute face, but a frightening personality that doesn't match it at all?" She wondered to herself as he walks across the room.
"W-Why exactly are you kidnapping me?" She asks a bit hesitantly.
"Just consider this as your punishment for not providing me with any cash. What kind of store doesn't have any money?? I knew you were lying to me."
"I wasn't lying! There really was no money in the cash register!" She starts to get frustrated. He scoffs and ignores her, thinking she's just making up an excuse.
"How long are you planning on keeping me here?" She asks as he stands across the room from her and sharpens a knife. He turns his head to look at her with a slight evil gleam in his eyes as the corner of his mouth slides upwards into a little smirk.
"You're the only one who witnessed my attempted robbery. If I let you go, you will tell the police. So I have no choice but to keep you here. But since I don't want you here forever, I'll eventually just have to get rid of you from this earth."
His terrifying words frightened her, causing her eyes to widen in fear. He walks up towards her while holding the knife in his hands, causing her to gulp in fear. He suddenly pulls the knife up against her throat as she gasps fearfully.
"Yes, that's right..I'm going to kill you, eventually. It's the only way to keep you quiet. Don't even think about calling the police or anyone. If anyone finds out that I attempted to rob that store, I will kill you because you're the only one who could've told them. This is our little secret. And let's keep it that way. Do you understand?" He says sternly. Her eyes are pierced with fear as she begins to tremble. She can't even speak.
"ANSWER ME!! Do you understand?!" He shouts impatiently.
"Y-Yes. Yes, yes, yes.." She stammers in total fear. Now looking at her annoyed, he pulls the knife away from her throat and walks away.
After preparing himself a little snack, he sits on a chair at the small dining table. Watching him enjoying his tasty snack, Kimmy's mouth starts to water as her stomach begins to grumble.
"Um...excuse me, I uh..I'm kinda hungry right now."
He looks up from his plate to look at her. He always has this hostile look on his face.
"It's late and I'm tired. I'm sure you can last until tomorrow." He looks back down and continues eating. She silently sighs to herself.
The next morning, she slowly opens her eyes as she begins to awaken. With slightly blurry vision at first, she looks around the room.
"Oh, yeah...I'm still here." She remembers, suddenly feeling irritated and disappointed. "I was hoping it was all just a dream."
She's still tied to the chair and had to sleep there all night long. Her body is aching and crying and she desperately wants to move around or at least be in a different position for god's sake. When she looks up ahead, she sees her kidnapper enter the room as his hair is all ruffled and messy. He's wearing blue plaid sweats and a plain white t-shirt. It looks like he just woke up as well.
He looks...really cute. He looks so innocent and adorable with his bed head and in his pajamas.
She quietly watches him as he opens up the kitchen cabinet, grabbing out a bowl and pouring himself some cereal then adding in some milk. He sits at the dining table and starts eating. He completely ignores her as if she isn't even there.
"Hey, said you were gonna get me something to eat today, remember?" She asks hesitantly. He looks up at her in annoyance as he chews his cereal.
"I'll give you food later."
"But I'm really hungry.."
"If you keep bugging me about it, you're not going to get ANY food." He snaps in annoyance. She cowardly lowers her head.
He continues eating his cereal as she just watches him. She's starting to feel more and more hungry the more she watches him.
"He's so cruel..making me wait for no reason. I'm starving!" She thought to herself as she continues looking at him. "He's so...adorable though as he sits there in his pajamas while eating cereal and justwhoa whoa whoa. Why did I just think about that? He needs to hurry up and feed me now. My brain is not functioning properly."
After finishing his cereal, he walks into a different room and closes the door.
"What? What is he doing? When is he going to give me food already? Uggghhh I hate this! I just wanna get out of this place!" She thinks to herself as she starts to feel frustrated.
After several minutes, he enters the room again. He's now dressed in regular clothes and his hair is brushed. He flips his hair then runs his fingers through it. Ugh, why does he gotta do that? It's only making her start to fall for him more.
"Oh...the way he flips his hair is just so--wait, no. Stop, stop, stop. What am I thinking?! I can't fall for him! He attempted to rob me AND he kidnapped me! Jeez, my stupid brain!"
No, she can't let herself fall for him. It's just his face. His personality is awful so this is just a temporary attraction, right?

To Be Continued...

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