Monday 21 November 2016

STORY: I Fell In Love With My Kidnapper! Chapter 4 [Korean]

Chapter 4: Captivated

She was scared at first, but overlooking all the anger and really, really looking deep into his eyes, she begins to feel... enchanted.

His aggressiveness is actually starting to be...kinda cute and thrilling. Her eyes begin to soften as she looks into his eyes, mesmerized by the deep brown eyes that stare so intently into her own so closely in front of her.

His eyebrows slightly furrow in confusion when he notices a sudden change in her eyes.
"Hey, uh, why are you looking at me like that?" He asks as he's suddenly weirded out by her strange stare. He releases his grip from her wrists and takes a step back. Kimmy snaps out of it.

"Okay, I'm gonna watch TV now and I need to keep an eye on you. So sit right here on the couch." He demands as he roughly pulls her by the wrist and sits her down on the couch before sitting next to her. "If you try to run away, I won't hesitate to tie you back up." He threatens. She nods.

He grabs the TV remote and turns it on. He switches through several channels before finally landing on a decent channel and watching a sitcom.
It feels a bit strange for her to be sitting besides him as he forces her to watch TV with him. Suddenly her mind begins to wander before noticing that his hand is only inches away from her own. Why does she feel this sudden urge to touch his hand and feel the touch of his skin?
She slowly reaches her hand closer to his. As their hands lightly touch, he becomes startled and suddenly flinches his hand, immediately moving his hand away and looking over at her with a shocked, puzzled look for a moment before refocusing back on the TV. He just brushes it off, thinking that she probably touched his hand by accident.
Later that night, Kimmy casually walks around the living room as he was in his room for a moment. She stops when she notices a small pile of mail on one of the small tables. As she takes a closer look, she sees that they all say "Tae Yoo Ryu" on them.
Oh! That must be his name then. She suddenly finds herself smiling a closed-lip smile in satisfaction.
"Tae Yoo Ryu...that's a really cute name."
Just then, he enters the living room.
"So, your name is Tae Yoo Ryu?" She asks. He pauses and looks at her in surprise.
"What? How did you know that?!"
"It says that on your mail."
"If you tell anyone about my name, I swear I wil"
"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone."
"Good. You will regret it if you do." He threatens. "And by the way, just call me 'Tae', okay?"
Huh? She's a bit surprised by what he just said.
"Oh?...Okay, Tae." She says his name, testing it out as she tries to hold back her happiness. Finally, she knows his name. It tickles her with glee that him and her actually seem to be getting along pretty well. "So uh, where am I sleeping tonight?" She asks. He looks around the room.
"Umm...I would have you sleep on the couch, but I don't trust that you won't escape out the front door. Sooo...the only other option is my room because I can lock the door with a key and keep an eye on you." He says in a slightly hesitant voice as he averts his gaze.
Her eyes suddenly widen. His room? On the same bed?? She admits that she has gotten a little crush on him lately, but she's not too sure if she trusts him entirely to sleep in the same room as him, especially with the door locked. The thought of what he might do terrifies her.
"Uhh, I don't think I want t--" She starts to refuse slowly before being grabbed by the arm and pulling her into his room. He shuts the door and locks it with a key then places it in his pocket.
She just stands there as she begins to feel scared. After all, this guy is a kidnapper, a criminal. He could easily kill her right there in that small room at any moment, even in her sleep if he wanted to. There is no way she's getting any sleep tonight.
He walks over to the bed and peels the blanket before getting in. "It's late. I'm tired. Get in if you want to sleep." He says coldly.
She remains in the same spot as she's terrified to sleep or to even go near him. Feeling too overwhelmed with fear, she slides her back downwards against the wall and sits down in a fetal position with her arms wrapped around her legs as she starts to cry. He looks over at her and notices.
"Hey." Why did his voice sound so soft and gentle just now?
He gets out of the bed and walks over to her. He kneels down next to her and places his hand on her shoulder. "Hey...are you alright?"
Hearing his voice, it's a tone she's never heard coming from his voice before. He sounds so... caring. It's as if he is genuinely concerned for her. She refuses to look up at him as she continues to cry. It suddenly surprises her when he crawls closer to her, wrapping his arms around her and embracing her.
"It's okay, it's okay." He softly whispers.
She finally relaxes a bit and grabs onto his arm tightly, burrowing her face into his chest.
He sits there with her most of the night until she stops crying and falls asleep as her head rests on his shoulder. He's suddenly starting to ache from sitting in the same position for awhile. He looks at her for a moment before carefully scooping her up and carrying her. He places her on his bed as she continues to sleep. Then he tucks her in and gets in on the other side of the bed.
He tries to sleep but he can't seem to fall asleep with her there. It's too...distracting.
"This is so annoying. Why can't I just fall asleep already??" He groans in annoyance.
As he faces her, without really realizing it, he begins to stare at her as his eyes begin to soften. He's totally mesmerized by her as he carefully examines her facial features. Why is he suddenly so curious to touch her face?
He carefully reaches his hand towards her face, touching and caressing her silky, velvety skin. His lips slide into a little smile as his dreamy eyes are completely fixed on her. He slides his hand over hers as he links his fingers between hers, holding her delicate hand.
After letting go of her hand and closing his eyes to finally try to get some sleep, she moves closer to him while still in her sleep, completely unaware of her movement as she snuggles into his chest, causing his eyes to suddenly widen. He tenses up in surprise as he looks at her cozily snuggled into his chest.
The next morning, they begin to awaken when their eyes suddenly shot open as they find themselves lying very closely next to each other with their eyes only inches away and their lips nearly touching.
Feeling uneasy, Tae suddenly jolts causing him to fall off the bed. He stands up before looking at her with widened eyes as he feels very flustered. He quickly walks to the door and unlocks it before rushing out into the living room.
Kimmy remains on the bed as she's flustered as well. She tries to gather up her thoughts as she tries to understand what just happened.
He fixes up two bowls of cereal in the kitchen while she walks into the room. He quickly glances over at her as he's now aware of her presence.
"Sit." He rudely demands. She walks over to the dining table and sits down.
He rudely places her bowl of cereal in front of her on the table before sitting down and eating his bowl of cereal in silence. Now feeling uncomfortable around him, she begins slowly eating her cereal. The atmosphere got so quiet and awkward all of a sudden.
"Um...about what happened last night when I started crying, did you..?--" She slowly starts.
"Hey, I was tired, alright? My brain doesn't function properly when I'm tired." He snaps.
Excuses, excuses. But it seems to her that he was actually genuinely concerned about her last night which surprised her greatly. Although now he seems to be back to his usual cruel self, making her think that maybe he really was too tired to think properly last night. She likes his caring side that came out at night rather than his bitter, selfish side.
He stands up from his chair. "Well, this was the last of my food so I'm gonna go to the store and buy more."
"Okay!" She says pleasantly. He looks over at her suspiciously before snatching her wrist and shoving her into his room and locking the door with the key.
"Hey!" She shouts from the other side of the door.
"I'm locking you in there while I'm gone." He walks out the front door and locks it on his way out. He then gets in his car and drives off to the grocery store.
Kimmy sighs in annoyance and sits on the edge of his bed with her arms crossed. Being locked in his room is going to be so boring.
"Why couldn't I just go with him?" She wonders to herself. "Wait, what? No. No, what am I thinking??" She slaps herself. "Get ahold of yourself, Kimmy!"
She groans in annoyance. "Ugh, this is so annoying! Why does his face have to be so cute?? It's too tempting. He's so cute but mysterious at the same time. He's strangely captivating. Why did I have to get kidnapped by a cutie?? But it's not just his face...I can actually see some goodness in his eyes. He seemed so caring and concerned about me last night. But even the way he's so pushy towards me is somehow...attractive. How he grabs onto my wrist firmly and how his eyes look into mine even though he's serious and angry. And his lips that look so soft and kissable
Oh my god, NO! He's a selfish person, a CRIMINAL!" She continues battling with her feelings.
"...Although, I think he actually has a sweet side to him. I can see it in his eyes and his behavior last night proved it." She pauses for a moment before slapping her face. "NO! Okay, that's it. I'm getting myself outta here right now. I need to get away from him. I'm falling too hard for this guy who I SHOULDN'T fall in love with. He kidnapped me for god's sake! I should hate him!"
She suddenly stands up. "I'm getting out of here." She says as she's now determined.

To Be Continued...

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