Monday 21 November 2016

STORY: I Fell In Love With My Kidnapper! Chapter 6 [Korean]

Chapter 6: "Let's Rob A House Together."

The next morning, Kimmy was up and awake. She patiently sits on the couch as she waits for Tae to come out of his room.
An hour goes by and he still hasn't come out yet.

"Do I just enter his room..?" She starts to walk toward his bedroom door, but then stops. "No, no. After what happened last night, it'll just be too awkward." She turns around and sits back on the couch.

After 30 more minutes pass by, Tae finally walks out of his room and into the kitchen. After toasting them both a bagel with cream cheese and jelly, they eat at the dining table in silence.
She notices that he hasn't even looked at her once yet. It's a bit strange because right now he seems uneasy and fidgety as if he's trying to hide something...or a feeling.

"Does he have feelings for me too..?" She wondered to herself before remembering that he stole a kiss from her last night, so of course he's developed at least a little bit of feelings for her.
"Um, Tae?" She asks cautiously, breaking the piercing silence.

"Hm?" He still continues avoiding eye contact with her.
"Uh, maybe it was just a dream, but I thought for sure that you were kissing me last night." She gulps, worried what he might say...or do.

"...I think I have some kind of disorder where my brain functions improperly at night. I think I might have that disorder where a totally different personality comes out...Multiple Personality Disorder, right? My other personality seems to come out at night." He says, trying to make up an excuse.

She wasn't too sure whether to believe that or not. It would kinda make sense...his sudden mood swings, sudden change of behavior from cruel and vicious to sweet and caring, which often occurred at night. But just by looking at him, she knew that he was lying and just making up an excuse. She wants to ask more questions but she's afraid of angering him, so she remains silent.

For most of the day, he continued ignoring her as if she wasn't even there. Eventually she decides it should stop.
"Hey, um, you've been ignoring me for awhile. Wh"

"I have absolutely NO interest in you, alright? There's no reason for me to acknowledge your existence. I'm just quietly keeping you here until I eliminate you." He suddenly snaps before coming up with a sudden thought. "Although...this might actually be fun. Knowing that you like me, you will do anything I tell you to do." He lifted the corner of his mouth into a little smirk as he looks at her.
Kimmy immediately became scared as worry shows in her eyes.

"Come with me," He says. "Let's rob a house together." He grabs her hand then looks at her. "I bet this is driving you crazy, isn't it?" He asks with a smirk, referring to him holding her hand. She shakes her head, but the butterflies in her stomach are telling her otherwise.
While holding her hand firmly, Tae leads her out the front door and over to the passenger's seat of his car.

"You can sit here instead of the back seat this time." He opens the car door for her, slightly nudging her into the car.
He gets into the driver's seat and starts the engine before driving to a random destination to pick a stranger's house as their victim to attempt burglary. Kimmy sits there in the passenger's seat, absolutely terrified.

Does she want to do this? Heck no! He's using her own feelings for him against her, taking advantage of her feelings for him and using it to make her do anything he wants her to do. She feels rather troubled by this, but at the same time it also gives him an excuse to hold her hand and stuff like that while pretending that he has no interest in her when he clearly does, according to that kiss he stole last night. He might be more clever than she thought. She slightly narrows her eyes at him without him knowing.
Before she knew it, he stops the car as they reach a random destination.

"There it is...the unlucky house we're going to ransack." He says as he looks over at it. "Let's go!" He hops out of the car and walks over to the passenger's side. He opens the door for her and grabs her hand as she steps out of the car.

She suddenly pulls her hand away. "I really don't want to do this." She says timidly as she slowly takes a step back.
Fearful that she's going to try to run away, he snatches her wrist and pulls her really close to him. He slides down his hand from her wrist to her hand, tightly linking his fingers between hers.
"You don't have to hold on to me so tightly. I'm not a balloon that's gonna float away." She slightly complains as he holds her hand tightly.

He leads her over toward the stranger's house and walks over to an opened window before peeking his head inside. "There's no one inside. Well, in this particular room at least." He whispers.

"You stay out here and keep watch, okay?"
"What? No. I really don't want to do this. I'll purposely scream." She whispers as Tae crawls in through the window while she waits outside. He leans his head out the window.

"I know you won't. You know why? Because you like me and you wouldn't give me away that easily like that." He says with a little smile.
She furrows her eyebrows at him as she starts to feel annoyed. Although, that little smile was awfully cute. It's the first time she's seen him smile.

Inside the house, he starts rummaging through dressers, opening cabinet drawers, and searching the room to find jewelry or whatever else he can find that's valuable.

"This is like an old lady's house. There's nothing but a bunch of used fabrics.." He murmurs to himself while rummaging through lots of fabric, throwing them behind his back to get them out of his way and making a big mess.

"I don't wanna participate in his criminal activity." Kimmy quietly whines to herself before stomping her feet in frustration.
"Ugh! I can't find anything good in here." Tae complains as he stops and looks around the room.

Just then, he hears a loud scream causing him to suddenly panic. Immediately knowing it was Kimmy, he rushes over by the window, but he sees her screaming for no reason at all.

"Hey! Stop it! Shush!" He tries to quiet her down, but she refuses. "Hey!! Stop!!" He starts to get angry. But she still continues screaming. He starts panicking. He knew she was screaming just to get him caught. But he really didn't think she would actually do that to him.
In order to quickly shut her up, he suddenly leans out the window and crashes his lips onto hers, causing her eyes to widen by the sudden surprise.

Just then, he suddenly hears a squeaky door open from behind him. He quickly breaks the kiss and looks behind him.
"Hey, what are you doing in here, young man?" An old lady asks, shocked to see a stranger in her house.

He quickly turns around and lunges out the window, landing on the dry dirt ground. He immediately stands up and quickly grabs Kimmy's hand as he starts running with her.

"You better run, thief!" The tough old lady shouts from her house as she held up a baseball bat.
They run as fast as they could until they reach the car. The immediately hop inside in a panic before quickly driving off.
"Whew! What a rush!" Tae says in relief before sighing. Both of them are panting from all of the running.

She has to admit that the rush she felt was quite thrilling, but she's never going to participate in a criminal activity ever again.

Meanwhile, now that it's Monday, Kimmy's friend, Roxy, goes to work at the convenience store. But she doesn't see Kimmy there. She rubs her head.
"Hmm, where is she? She's usually here at this hour."

Assuming that she'll arrive soon, she doesn't give it a second thought. Then she finds Kimmy's phone on the floor causing her to suddenly become worried, fearing for the worst.

She immediately steps into action and checks the video surveillance cameras (CCTV) to see if there was a burglary or something caught on tape on the last day Kimmy worked here, which was on a Friday. She examines the footage carefully after finally finding the footage of this past Friday.

Examining it closely, she sees a guy dressed in mostly black clothes enter the convenience store and pull a gun up to Kimmy's face. Roxy watches more intently at the footage, seeing that this criminal wasn't able to steal money, but he ended up stealing Kimmy.

Roxy suddenly gasps. "Kimmy was kidnapped?!" She immediately calls the police and starts investigating Kimmy's kidnapping.

Arriving back at Tae's house, they both get out of his car. After closing the car door, Kimmy stands there as the cooling breeze whooshes past her face, looking out into the distance at all the lovely houses in the neighborhood, followed by a beautiful, clear blue sky. She suddenly misses her home, her family, and her friend Roxy.

Tae sees her standing there looking out into the distance. He feared that she was going to take off running. He quickly walks over to her, grabbing her hand firmly and pulling her into his house. He looks at her as if he's thinking.

"Hmm...what else can I make you do.." He thought a little longer before making a decision. "Cook me a nice meal and then sit on my lap as we eat." Tae orders in a controlling manner.
To be honest, that didn't sound like a bad idea. It sounds nice to sit on his lap. But his sudden controlling, superior 'prince attitude' is irritating her.

"No." She refuses.

He looks at her, shocked by her disobedience. "What? 'No'? But, how can you resist me when you like me so much?" He slightly teases in a cocky manner, trying to entice her.
"Stop using yourself as bait. I like you, but I'm not your slave. There's a difference. Stop ordering me around."

"Excuse me?" He crosses his arms and looks at her in a disapproving way with his mouth slightly open before changing his expression into a more serious one and looking like he's about to lose his temper. "Just remember that I can hurt you anytime I want." He threatens as he takes steps towards her while glaring at her.
Oh god. She's so scared now and totally having regrets.

"Y-Yes, I know. But you won't, will you?" She asks bravingly, knowing that he might like her a bit too much now by this point to harm her. He looks into her eyes as he starts to get irritated and angry.
He suddenly grasps her shoulders aggressively.

"You really think that I won't hurt you?" He gazes angrily into her eyes with a fiery passion. "I wouldn't have kidnapped you if I weren't going to harm you in some way."

She begins to really regret everything she just said. Her eyes widen as she becomes overwhelmed with such fear. That intense, fiery look in his eyes absolutely terrifies her. She begins to wonder that maybe he isn't as decent as she was starting to think he is. She becomes disappointed in him and feels discouraged.

He roughly pushes her against the wall, intimidating her. She shrieks with terror. He seizes her neck are begins to choke her. She places her hands on his wrists to try to pull him away but he's too strong. She tries gasping for air before just giving up, realizing that this is when she finally dies.
Knowing that she was going to die, she gazes into his eyes one last time.

To Be Continued...

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