Monday 21 November 2016

STORY: I Fell In Love With My Kidnapper! Chapter 5 [Korean]

Chapter 5: The Escape

She tries turning the doorknob but it's locked. She looks around the room and looks on the little table, his dresser, rummaging through his closet, and just searching everywhere to find something to break the door or unlock it somehow.
Then finally after searching for several minutes, she finds a paperclip in one of the boxes in his closet. She bends it a certain direction before placing it into the keyhole of the door.
After several attempts, it finally clicks and unlocks the door. She smiles to herself in relief. She opens the door and rushes over to the front door, her heart starting to beat fast as sweet freedom was only seconds away. She turns the doorknob, but it's locked. But unlike the other door, she can just easily unlock this one by turning the little switch thing on the doorknob.
Now, the way the outside of Tae's house is set up is he usually parks his car along the side of the road near the concrete walkway, and then you have to follow the walkway which leads up to a slight hill and his small house is located there. But you have to walk through the archway to get to his property because there's a fence that surrounds his house and his backyard and bushes are along the entire fence making his whole property pretty private.
Kimmy turns the doorknob of the front door. She's so excited because she's only seconds away from finally being free. She opens the door but the moment she does, her eyes widen and she freezes in fear.
Tae is there.
She sees him standing further up ahead at the archway as he enters his property. They immediately make eye contact. She's suddenly scared for her life and her mind becomes blank. She quickly slams the door and starts running through his house to hide somewhere. She couldn't just run outside and escape because he was blocking the only entrance to leave his property.
He immediately takes off running after her as he opens the door and sees her running. He violently snatches the back of her shirt.
"You said you weren't going to run away!" He shouts angrily. He's so enraged right now.
He grabs her roughly by the wrist and drags her to his backyard where it was pouring rain. She knew right then and there that he's either going to kill her or harm her in some way. She's scared more than ever. He aggressively sits her down in one of the plastic lawn chairs and begins tying her wrists to the chair.
"No! No! No! Please!! Please don't!" She pleads as she tries to push his hand away with her other hand, but he violently snatches it and looks in her teary eyes.
"I can't trust that you won't try to escape again. I'm leaving you out here." He says firmly with a stern and furious look in his eyes.
"What? But it's raining out here!" She exclaimed.
He ignores her and begins tying up her wrist again but she squirms her arms, making it difficult for him. He snatches both of her wrists with his hands and looks her furiously in the eyes again.
"Stop it. My god, you're acting like a little kid. Just sto--"
She suddenly leans in and kisses him on his lips as the skies continue pouring with rain. After two seconds, he suddenly pulls back and takes a step back cautiously as he stares at her in confusion. His thoughts are all over the place in shock right now.
She looks at him with sad, desperate eyes. "Please..." She pleads once again in a cracked voice right before breaking down in tears. He just stares at her in complete shock. He's stunned and in disbelief, but starting to feel compassion for her right now.
"What are you doing??" He asks in confusion. "I attempted to rob you. I even kidnapped you! So what in the world are you doing??"
"That's why I attempted to escape. I felt myself falling for you, but I really don't want to fall in love with a criminal like you." She admits. His eyes widen.
"She' love with me?" He thought to himself in shock, not sure of what to do or what to say.
"Just please don't tie me up again!" She pleads as she continues crying. He thinks for a moment as he tries to pull himself back together from the shock.
"Alright, alright. I won't tie you. Just don't try to run away again otherwise I really won't hesitate to kill you." She nods in reply. He looks at her for a moment as if he's waiting for her to do something.
"Well get up!" He snaps impatiently as he snatches her arm, forcefully pulling her up from the chair before dragging her back into his house.
He aggressively tosses her arm as he lets go of her. Still flustered from being enraged then dumbfoundedly confused so unexpectedly, he just stares at her strangely then walks away into his room.
Kimmy plops onto the couch before letting out a sigh as she tries to calm herself down.
"Oh my gosh. What have I done? I can't believe I just kissed my kidnapper..."
For the entire day and night, he just ignores her and stays really silent. She kinda expected for this to happen because of her sudden actions earlier.
They both eat dinner together at the dining table, but still not a single word came from his mouth. They continue to eat in complete silence. She doesn't really know what exactly is going on in his head. She probably just made him feel all awkward and uncomfortable now.
When it was time to go to sleep, Tae walks into his room and went straight to bed. Strangely, he didn't even care where Kimmy was. It's like he could care less.
"Hm? He's not even going to ask me where I'm sleeping tonight?" She murmurs. "I guess I'll just sleep here on the couch then." She lies down on the couch and closes her eyes to sleep.
Around midnight, Tae enters the room from his bedroom to get a glass of water from the kitchen. After drinking a glass of water, he spots Kimmy sleeping on the couch peacefully. He looks at her for a moment before grabbing a blanket and walking towards her as he caringly places a blanket over her.
He stops and stares at her as he gets lost in her face for a minute. He sits down on the floor against the couch with his face near hers. He stares at her face as his eyes begin to soften into a sparkling gaze.
He gets up on his knees and places his hand on the armrest of the couch before leaning in slowly. His soft, moist lips gently touch hers as she sleeps, secretly stealing a kiss from her.
He was just going to steal a little kiss, but it ended up lasting longer than he thought. He just wants to enjoy it slowly.
She starts to awaken as she slowly begins opening her eyes, but her eyes suddenly shot open in shock when she realizes that she's being kissed by Tae. He slowly opens his eyes during the kiss and sees that her eyes are wide open and looking directly into his soulful eyes. He suddenly pulls his lips away from hers in surprise. He completely freezes and stares at her with wide eyes.
"Tae..? Wha" He runs into his room and slams the door before she can even finish her sentence.
"What in the world??" She murmurs in a puzzled voice before slowly sliding her lips into a smile while slightly biting her lip as she starts to feel warm and fuzzy inside. "He kissed me. He KISSED me!" She softly giggles.

To Be Continued...

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