Sunday 20 November 2016

STORY: I Fell In Love With My Kidnapper! Chapter 3 [Korean]

Chapter 3: Finally Untied From The Chair??

He walks into the kitchen and opens up the refrigerator, but there's not really any more food. He rubs his head before looking around the kitchen as he tries to decide what to feed her. Then he spots a dish of some meatloaf in the corner of the counter. It's been sitting there for one or two days.
"I'll just give her this." He thought to himself before grabbing it. He also grabs a glass of water before walking towards her.
He sets the food and water on a nearby table then grabs one of the dining chairs and pulls it in front of her as he sits down while facing her. He picks up the fork and gets some of the meatloaf as he raises the fork up to her mouth.
"Here, open."
She refuses to open her mouth. "Umm, what is that?"
"It's food, duh. Open your mouth."
"What kind of food? It seems...kinda old." She examines the food suspiciously.
"It's fine, alright? Just eat it." He's starting to get frustrated and annoyed.
Starting to feel more afraid of him, she finally agrees to eat it and opens her mouth as he feeds it to her.
"It tastes a little weird.." She complains in slight disgust. He suddenly slams the plate and fork back on the table in frustration before sighing deeply.
"You're done eating then." He snaps in annoyance as he stands up from the chair.
"Wait! No, no, no. I'm sorry. I'll eat it and be quiet." She begs. He looks at her for a moment before sitting back down in the chair as he continues feeding her.
Kimmy's thoughts suddenly start to drift off.
"His tan skin is so flawless. And his thick, soft, shiny black hair. His enticing deep brown eyes. His full lips. Oh...his lips. Why on earth did I think about that? Oh god, is it hot in here?"
Seeing his striking and captivating eyes look at her as he feeds her, the weight of his attractiveness becoming too overwhelming for her as a soft pink blush starts drawing across her cheeks without her control. She suddenly feels so shy in front of him.
He notices that her cheeks suddenly turned pink and he pauses and looks at her strangely.
"Umm..? Are you too hot or something?" He asks. Her eyes slightly widen.
"Oh um, yeah..."
"That was sudden. I'll turn on the air conditioner, well, if I remember." He says. "Here, drink some water for now."
He reaches to grab the glass of water as he looks at her before suddenly flipping his hair to get it out of his eyes.
Oh god. The hair flip. Stop. Just, stop.
She's suddenly feeling her cheeks about to burn up. He lifts the glass up to her mouth and tilts it as she takes a sip.
It's the strangest thing. As he's feeding her, she can actually see some caring, goodness in him. I mean, what kind of kidnapper caringly feeds you like this? She could see a different side of him in his eyes like there was something more to him. A more... genuine, tender side of him.
Sometime after finally being able to eat, her stomach felt full but she starts to feel nauseous, dizzy and suddenly really cold.
"Hey, um..I don't feel very well."
"You're fine." He says coldly while leaning back and crossing one leg on his knee as he sits on the couch across from her while reading a newspaper.
After a few minutes of sudden silence, he pulls down the newspaper onto his lap and looks over at her. Her head is dangling forward.
"Hey." He says as he tries to get her to look up, but no response. "Hey!" He says louder, but still no response. He sighs deeply in annoyance before folding the newspaper and placing it besides him. He walks over to her and nudges her shoulder.
"Hey. Stop pretending." He waits a few more seconds but she's still unresponsive.
He kneels down and places his hands on the sides of her face, lifting her head up so he can see her face. Her eyes are closed and she appears to be passed out.
"Hey, hey, hey! C'mon, wake up!" He pats her cheeks as he tries to wake her up, but still no response. He slightly groans and ruffles his hair in annoyance.
"Oh, wait a minute.." He places his hands back on her face before touching her hands. "You're really cold. Why are you so cold?" He stands up and looks at her for a moment as he rubs his head. "Well, I guess I should probably warm her up somehow.."
After looking at her for a few seconds more, he makes a decision before letting out an annoyed sigh.
"If you're just pretending in order for me to untie you, I'm gonna have to harm your legs so you can't walk anywhere."
He unties her from the chair and picks her up bridal style as her head and arms dangled. He walks into his room and places her on his bed before pulling the blanket over her. He looks at her but then notices that she's suddenly shivering.
"Huh? Is she passed out or just sleeping?" He murmurs, now in confusion. He stares at her for a moment as she continues to shiver.
"Aish!" He sighs as he ruffles his hair in annoyance. "Why are you suddenly like this?? Why are you making me do this..." He says in frustration before peeling the blanket and slowly, but hesitantly getting into the bed and lying next to her. He wraps his arms around her and holds her close to try to warm her up.
After several minutes once he warms her up, he slides his arms away and gently pushes her a few inches away from him. As she's still asleep, she moves her hand up near her face as she lies there sideways.
He suddenly finds himself staring at her as her eyelashes graced upon her cheeks as she sleeps peacefully. His eyes begin to soften as he stares at her curiously. Slowly moving his hand toward her soft, delicate hand before hesitantly stopping half an inch away. He delicately touches her hand as his long fingers graced upon her soft, warm hand in curiosity. Seeing her soft, straight, silky hair starting to fall upon her face, he gently moves her hair out of her face.
Kimmy slowly flutters her eyes open, but suddenly widening them and sitting upright when she realizes that she's in his bed. She has no idea how she even got here in the first place. She quickly slides to the edge of the bed and starts to stand up, but suddenly stops when he enters the room. He's just staring at her with a stern face and annoyance in his eyes.
Feeling his frightful and intense stare, she cowardly sits back down on the edge of the bed while keeping her eyes locked on him, terrified of what he might do. He slowly begins walking towards her as he keeps his eyes locked on her. She's feeling terribly scared right now. Her life is over and he's going to kill her, isn't he?
Walking towards her with a firm and mysterious look in his eyes, he stops in front of her as she looks up at him with fearful eyes. He slowly leans his face closer and looks her in the eyes almost with a questionable and curious look.
It caught her off guard when he suddenly thrusts forward and pins her wrists down onto the bed.
"Was that all just an act, HUH?!" He shouts sternly and angrily. "Was it just an act to get me to untie you??"
"No, no, no, no. It wasn't, I promise! I don't even remember what happened.." She begs in a nervous panic. He stares down into her eyes intensely and angrily, but almost... genuinely curiously.
"You really don't remember what happened?" He asks calmly now. She quickly shakes her head. "Oh....good. That's not something you need to remember anyway." He releases his grip from her wrists and steps away.
Now she's curious. She begins to wonder what exactly happened earlier. What was it that made him untie her? And how on earth did she end up in his bed??
Thinking about it some more, she suddenly gasps when she thinks of something. "Did he...drug me? Did he put something in my food?"
Suddenly, he forcefully grabs her firmly by the wrist and drags her out of his room and into the living room again. As he drags her towards the chair, she knew that he's going to tie her up again.
She suddenly falls to her knees onto the floor and wraps her arms around his leg.
"Please! Please don't tie me up again!" She pleads desperately.
"If I don't, then you'll run away."
"I won't! Really! Please..."
He pauses and thinks about it for a moment. "Fine." He gives in. "But if you manage to escape, don't think that I'll just let you off the hook. I will find you and kill you." He threatens and she immediately nods. "Now let go of my leg." He suddenly jerks his leg, forcing her to let go.
"Wait. This is bothering me now and I have to ask." She says. He turns around and looks at her. "Did you...drug me earlier?"
"What?!" He's taken aback by her question as he thinks it's ridiculous.
"How did I end up untied from the chair and in your bed? And why can't I remember anything?"
He stays silent for a moment. "I untied you and I placed you on the bed so you can rest there. And as for that last question, I don't know...maybe you have early dementia."
"I do not!" She exclaimed. "And by the way, why did you just decide to untie me all of a sudden?"
"You said you weren't feeling too good and then you passed out. You also felt really cold too, and so to warm you up I put you in my bed. I promise I didn't drug you."
His words sound believable. But she's still skeptical if he's really telling the truth or not. She wants more answers, but she doesn't want to make him angry so she just drops the conversation.
"By the way, this is a useless question but um...what's your name?" He asks with a slightly hesitant voice. She looks at him a bit skeptical and surprised.
"K-Kimmy." She stutters. "What about you? What's your name?"
"You think I would tell you my name? Why, so you can give me away to the police?"
"Well that's not fair. I already told you my name."
"Well you're not a criminal."
"I just want to know your name!" She suddenly snaps as she gets frustrated with him.
Seeing her sudden attitude and not liking it one bit, he suddenly pins her wrists to the wall aggressively. She shrieks as she's alarmed by his sudden movement.
"You're testing my patience. Stop it!" He says firmly while looking at her angrily in the eyes with an intense gaze.

To Be Continued...

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